I place great emphasis on the importance of teaching and mentorship. I am equipped to and would be happy to teach several undergraduate or graduate courses, including Introduction to Sociology, Sociology of Gender, Sociology of Family, Population and Society, Research Methods, Social Statistics (intro and upper-level), and Sociology of Food. While at Penn State, I have developed my teaching skills by designing and instructing two undergraduate courses: Social Problems and Intermediate Social Statistics. A core component of my teaching philosophy is to encourage students to apply sociological concepts to their own experiences and current events through a combination of assignments, interactive lectures, activities, readings, and class discussions. I regularly ask my students to engage with competing perspectives (both within academia and outside of it) and explore how sociology research is represented and misrepresented in media. My teaching style has been very well-received, with 100% of my students rating the overall quality of my instruction at least a 6 out of 7 on formal evaluations and the majority choosing a 7 out of 7.

I am always happy to answer questions about my teaching, and please feel free to browse my teaching reviews below!